Intervention carried out on the Fier (Haute-Savoie) following the floods of late 2023

  • Fier
  • Haute-Savoie (France)
  • Communauté d’agglomération du Grand Annecy

About the realisation

RHÉOLOGIK specializes in the maintenance of hard-to-access rivers, most often using light and highly mobile methods to minimize environmental impact and disruption to users. However, sometimes it is necessary to take a different approach to act quickly and safely.

Traffic stoppages, implementation of alternating traffic, crane trucks, 35m³ bins on the structure, and four technicians specialized in difficult river access interventions were required to complete this technical project.

Intervention carried out on the Fier (Haute-Savoie) following the floods of late 2023 on behalf of the Grand Annecy urban community. 💪👍

In pictures...

Embâcle sur la pile centrale du pont des îles

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